- New Business
a. Late Resignation Request
b. Approve Milk and Bread bids
c. Approve fuel bids
d. Approve snow removal bids
e. Appoint School Depository
f. Appoint Board Secretary and Treasurer for 2024-2025 and Administer Oath of Office.
g. Appoint Level I and II investigators
h. Appoint Truant Officer
i. First Reading board policies 106; 106.1; 106.1-R(1); 106.1-R(2); 106.1-R(3); 106.1-R(4);
106.1-R(5); 106.1-E(1); 501.3; 501.9; 501.9R1; 502.6; 505.2; 603.1; 603.12; 905.3
j. Fund-raisers for 2024-2025 School Year
k. Superintendent’s Contract
l. IASB Legislative Priorities