IX. New Business

Primary tabs

Date Adopted: 
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

IX. New Business

  1. Follow-up discussion on Public Hearing on building project
  2. FCMG as Building Consultant
  3. Contract with Howard-Winneshiek for Business class
  4. Contract with Turkey Valley for Family and Consumer Science
  5. Transportation Director
  6. Review Administrator Salaries
  7. Approve Elementary furniture purchases
  8. Approve purchases of technology for 2016-17 school year
  9. Approve Concrete Bids
  10. Approve First Reading of revised District Wellness Policy
  11. Approve transfer from Baseball Camp Account to Booster Club
  12. Approve transfer of Elementary Carnival Funds and Middle School Carnival/Scrip Funds to General Fund
  13. Iowa BIG Project
  14. Approve Business Manager and Board President meeting at the end of June to approve final bills of the year. 
  15. Superintendent’s update on the school year
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