IX. New Business

Primary tabs

Date Adopted: 
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
  1. New Business
    1. 8th grade Oratory request
    2. FAST Data Review
    3. Additional Sections at the elementary
    4. Upper Iowa Conference Invitation
    5. School Safety Improvements
    6. Playground sealing
    7. IJAG
    8. Request to move MS business club funds to FBLA
    9. Lied Center application for admin Costs to SBRC
    10. First Reading board policies 705.1(R1), 705.1(R2), and 705.4(R1)
    11. Morningside College Agreement
    12. Agreement with Crossroads
    13. Resolution to participate in Budget Guarantee
    14. Request to hire a shared assistant soccer coach
    15. Approve Teaching Staff for 2024-2025
    16. School Budget Discussion
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