IX. New Business

Primary tabs

Date Adopted: 
Thursday, June 13, 2024
  1. New Business
    1. Activity Department Presentation on Philosophy and weight room thoughts
    2. Approve Handbooks for 2024-2025 school year
    3. Approve Fees for the 2024-2025 school year
    4. Approve shared positions
    5. Approve Laptops and other technology quotes
    6. Approve Furniture quotes
    7. Approve PowerSchool Agreement
    8. Approve Visitor Management System
    9. Approve counseling agreement with Counseling and family services
    10. Quotes for Girls Wrestling Room Upgrades
    11. Approve AEA Lease for downtown space
    12. Approve Coca-Cola Agreement
    13. Update on District testing results
    14. Approve Business Manager and Board President meeting at the end of June to approve final bills for the year
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